What Remains Podcast

Nicely done

I will probably subscribe, but I’m sorry I started with the case of baby Michael. Who are these horrible people who condemn desperate women. In this case the woman was an adult, but often it’s a frightened teenager. They are usually from religious families and feel terrible shame. I was disgusted listening to all the judgemental men out to find this woman at any cost. Her life matters too. I note that they gave the baby the name of a saint—a Catholic saint—keep your religion out of your work. Amanda Lamb touched on some of this toward the end and she did her job as a journalist; it was the men I found to be absolutely paternalistic, vindictive, with misplaced compassion. Of course it was a tragedy—for everyone, including Debra.

Aug. 6, 2022 by brainzmatter on Apple Podcasts

What Remains Podcast

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